Do you think no one should have to sit alone in church their first Sunday? Do you believe relationships are important when attracting and integrating guests? If you answered “yes,”please consider becoming a shepherd or shepherd family. Shepherd families/people are those who are willing to make first time guests feel welcome by greeting them and sitting with them, if the guest desires not to be alone. They might also introduce them to others close by. Training will be provided on what to say how to ask if the guest wants company and what to talk about. Talk to Pastor Chelsea if you feel called to this very important ministry. Training will be scheduled for early February.
Presbyterian Women’s Bible Study will be meeting on January 11 at 10:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. All are welcome to attend. If you have any questions, call Becky Brecht 270-234-6562 or JoAnn Winkenhofer 270-763-7883.
Join our mission to serve boldly and build real relationships: submit your pledge card indicating your estimated giving to the church in 2023. Thank you for your generosity!
THANK YOU to our Christmas elves and helpers who made cookies, made cards, packaged cookies, colored cards, and generally added cheer to our Christmas cookie outreach project! Our team delivered them to the staff and residents of Helmwood Healthcare. One neat aspect of this project is that we also built relationships through it—our Messy Church participants decorated many of the cards along with our Sunday School children, and then guests of the day shelter at Warm Blessings decorated the rest. We worked together to share our gifts!
Thank you to everyone who helped out with and prayed for our first two weeks hosting Room in the Inn! Our next night is January 10, 2023. Help care for our neighbors by serving on our FPC Room in the Inn Team. There are a variety of roles available, including providing snacks or breakfast, staying overnight, and praying for the ministry. If you are interested in serving in any capacity or have questions, contact Joy Swope. (
We are on a prayer journey as a faith community, and Session invites you to contribute to our FPC Prayer Wall by adding prayers of gratitude, petition, and “God Mail,” or answered prayers. You can find the prayer wall, post-its, and pens on the table in the lobby in front of the sanctuary.
We are constantly looking for ways we can partner with our schools and encourage and support the educators in our community. On Monday, January 16 Southeast, First Christian, First Presbyterian, and Grace Heartland are partnering together to host Retool For School. When teachers get to this point in the school year the supplies are running low. Often they spend money out of their own pocket to restock their classrooms. We invite all teachers to come to Grace Heartland Church to get the supplies they need to restock their classrooms for the rest of the year. Below are some ways you can serve at this event. If you are interested in serving talk to Pastor Chelsea.
Set Up Crew (8:30-9:30am)
Greeter Shift 1 (10am-11:30am)
Shopping Helper Shift 1 (10am-11:30am)
Greeter Shift 2 (11:30am-1:00pm)
Shopping Helper Shift 2 (11:30am-1:00pm)
Clean Up Crew (1:00-2:00pm)
Fresh Start
Daily Scripture Readings
Week 1: Are You’re Sure You’re Up for This?
Sunday – Mark 8:27-38
Monday – Philippians 3:13-14
Tuesday – Isaiah 43:18-19
Wednesday – Lamentations 3:22-27
Thursday – Jeremiah 29:11-14
Friday – 1 Peter 1:31
Saturday – Deuteronomy 31:8