Connectional Life
We are connected through Christ.
Our congregation is First Presbyterian Church of Elizabethtown, KY.
We are connected through mission and ministry.
The congregation is made up of members.
The governing body of the congregation is the session.
The session is a council made up of elected ruling elders.
The moderator of the session is the teaching elder.
Our congregation is part of a larger body - the presbytery.
Our presbytery is Mid-Kentucky Presbytery.
We are connected through our presbytery.
The presbytery is made up of minister members (teaching elders)
and commissioned ruling elders.
The presbytery is a council.
Our presbytery is part of a larger body - the synod.
Our synod is the Synod of Living Waters.
We are connected through our synod.
The synod is made up of minister members (teaching elders)
and commissioned ruling elders.
The synod is a council.
Our synod is part of a larger body - the church.
Our church is the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A.
We are connected through our church.
Our church - the PCUSA - is made up of churches, presbyteries
and synods across the U.S.A.
The PCUSA is a "denomination" and is also governed by a council -
the General Assembly Mission Council (GAMC).
Our church - the PCUSA - is connected with other reformed churches around the world.
These reformed churches connect in the World Communion of Reformed Churches.
We are connected through our roots and vision.
The World Communion of Reformed Churches is part of the Church in the world.
The Church in the world is what is often called "catholic" (small "c")
or "the universal church."
Our congregation is connected in all of these ways to the larger Church in the world.
We are connected through Christ.